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Gods, Higher beings and Elements

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Gods, Higher beings and Elements Empty Gods, Higher beings and Elements

Post  Don Fawful Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:31 pm

This topic is about Gods, Lesser gods, Higher beings, Elements and other creatures/races that are not within the laws of the world. All articles regarding this will go here you can discuss them aswell.

So let's get frisky shall we?

Article #1:

Fallen Gods

The Fallen Gods are the great evil set upon the upon the Planet Gaea, they are neither god nor mortal they cannot die and are bound to this world and their own realm. As the history of Gaea explains are the Fallen Gods a remnant of a powerfull race with advanced technology and magic these beings however dug their own grave by banishing the gods from the planet and taking complete controll. After the events witnessed in history the Fallen Gods were created. These beings consist of pure hatred, jealousy, grudge and every other sin known to man. Their leader is Molekh he ruled his realm with an iron fist untill he became imprisoned by the True Gods.

The Realm of Molekh is a strange dark place where dark creatures roam, uninhabated by gods or other immortal beings the Fallen Gods took over and made their capital city, simple known as the Shadowed City. In the middle they build a palace for their leader Molekh known as the Palace of Shadow. This palace reminds them how they were close to ultimate power but in the end it seemed unreachable. This only fuels their emotions and they are hard at work trying to take back what is ''rightfully theirs''

They need the old Technology scattered throughout Gaea to return their race to former glory not seeing that history will repeat itself when they do.

On Gaea the Fallen Gods take the form of shadows and lurk in the darkest corners of the planet waiting for oppertunities to arise so they can take back old technology to their dark and perverse realm. They love experimenting on creations of Gaea and have created a whole scale of Demons by mixing and matching creatures of Gaea with dark magic. A Fallen God usually tries to persuade adventurers into doing his dirty work promising them gifts of power or material things they never hold their end of the bargain though and the adventurers are promptly killed when the deed is done. There is no way to kill a Fallen God but they can be banished. The True Gods are hard at work banishing as many Fallen Gods as they can but it requires a lot of power.

In the meantime Fallen Gods grow more wrathfull with every passing day and every Fallen God that gets send back into the Realm of Molekh never able to return to Gaea again. Luckily for them the creations and sick experiments created by themself do have the ability to venture back and forth between the realms so there is a huge shift of power going on. Fallen Gods are creating a race of demons that are intelligent enough to perform tasks for their creators but not intelligent enough to rebel against their masters.

Every day the world of Gaea gets brighter with every Fallen God banished to their new realm but there is a storm brewing, one that shall shake Gaea itself.

Edited to match the history of Gaea!

Last edited by Don Fawful on Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
Don Fawful
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Gods, Higher beings and Elements Empty Re: Gods, Higher beings and Elements

Post  Don Fawful Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:50 pm

Article number 2 will feature 2 small entries which I will expand when I get the other 2 written down aswell.

Article #2: Earth and Air Elements.

Earth Element

One of the 4 elements roaming the great Agamé desert these elements can control the sands and are made of it. They are not aggressive but are in an everlasting war with the Air elements. Nobody knows why but it might have something to do that the earth elements want to fly and the air elements want the ability to walk on land and neither can do that so they fight because the others can. This however is speculation as the tongue of the elements is not easily learned and it takes decades to get in touch and keep contact with one of the earth elements because they migrate so quickly.

The Krykardian worship these elements together with 2 more of their cousins the fire and air elements. The earth elements however are known for their kind hearts and are more often seen helping out the sandfolk with their problems. The earth elements do not have a body but are made of the earth and can take various shapes depending on what they need. Some sightings report gigantic crod structures made of stone and sand walking across the desert housing up to a hundred earth elements migrating and mingling. If you need a ride you have but to ask but beware as most of these large vessels are at war with the Air elements and they do not see the difference between a lowly sandfolk or an earth element. Earth elements can be old, very old there is no estimate but it's known that they have been alive since the planet's birth and some earth elements claim to have been there when the planet was born. Little else is known about these peculiar magical beings.

Air Elements

Jesters of the planet or so they say, Air Elements are constantly traveling on the winds never resting in a single place for too long. They love to play tricks on other elements and races and are hated a lot for it. The Air Elements have a very big hate for the Earth Elements, nobody really knows why they, just do. A good place to see this rage is the Restless Sands where Earth and Air elements battle eachother creating an endless sandstorm. Air Elements are masters of the air, wind and anything that goes on up in the everlasting sky. They take joy in playing pranks as previously stated and a couple of these pranks have made some races to go near extinct (nobody said what they saw as pranks)

Being one of the four elements they have the privelige of getting constant offerings by the Krykardians praying to them for speed and agility. Rogues and other thiefs also pray to the air elements to keep them safe and to let them play lots of pranks on their friends and foes alike. Air Elements are more aggresive then their rivals the Earth Elements they attack first and ask questions later luckily for the people on ground level this usually applies to Vacuum Dragons and their ability to fly while they should not be able to.


Discussion should be directed to the official Agamé discussion thread thank you!
Don Fawful
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